Astrology Readings
Natal Chart/Birth Chart Readings
Private Parties & Events
Natal (Birth) Astrology Chart Reading
Astrology is the science of using the planets, houses and sign to determine your talents, strengths and challenges through a Natal Chart reading. Your Natal Chart is a snapshot of where the signs, planets and houses were at the moment of your birth.
By knowing this information, you can determine karma, information about life purpose, career talents, spiritual life and much more than will give you a blueprint to navigate your life with ease.
Your reading will include:
A copy of your Natal Chart with transits
A detailed summary of your Natal Chart (explaining what it all means - planets, signs and houses)
A summary of important aspects in your Natal Chart (what is helping and challenging you)
A summary of what is coming up for the next year
A 90 minute interpretative reading with Mary with a recording
Price: $333
Group Readings, Private Parties, and Events
Are you looking to have a group reading done with a few friends?
Having a special event like a Bridal Shower, Party, Wedding, Baby Shower, Halloween celebration or other special event?
A psychic can make it even more special.
2-hour minimum: Starting at $500 - clicking here will take you to book a free consult so we can plan out your event or group reading.
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