Blog: Musings of Mary
Articles, Storytelling, and Poetry.
Capricorn Season: Time to Build a Strong Foundation
Get ready to channel your inner goat! Capricorn season officially began on December 21st, focusing on discipline, responsibility, and achieving long-term goals. This is the time to roll up your sleeves and work to build a solid foundation for the future.
Astrology for October & November 2024
Discover what October and November might have in store for you!
The Quirky Number 13
Ah! The number 13! Are you spooked? Check out a quick dive into the religious significance, cultural notes, and history of the number 13. Plus, some action items for you!
Before Making a Choice, Ask Yourself: Do You Want to Learn This Lesson in This Lifetime?
Before Making a Choice, Ask Yourself: Do You Want to Learn This Lesson in This Lifetime? An introspective blog to get you thinking!
Unfurling Your Wings: Embracing Spiritual Independence in July 2024
As the summer sun bathes the world in its warmth, July offers a potent opportunity for personal growth – a chance to explore and cultivate spiritual independence. Think of it as the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, spreading its wings, and taking flight on its unique journey. Independence is important across all the bodies. Since we know our true selves, our choices are the most important.
Astrology: For the remainder of 2024
Mary and Nancy discuss the astrology outlook for second half of 2024. Video included!
The Nonlinear Ache: When Grief Makes Time Bend
Have you ever experienced this? Someone you love dearly dies, and suddenly, time loses its linear rhythm. One moment, the memory of their laughter feels like yesterday, a vivid echo in your mind.
The Echo of Divinity: Exploring the Spark of God Within
Gazing at the star-studded tapestry of the night sky, a profound question stirs within us:
Where do we come from?
Throughout history, countless cultures and philosophies have grappled with this existential mystery, weaving narratives to explain our place in the grand cosmic dance. Among these narratives, a powerful and enduring theme resonates across traditions: the idea that we, as humans, carry within us a spark of the divine.
Happy Mercury Retrograde Holidays!
Mercury, the planet of communications, commerce, travel, and mechanics, decides to slow down during the holiday season. It’s the famous Mercury Retrograde in play again, so let’s talk about navigating the most wonderful (and busy) time of the year.
Full Moon in Gemini - Be Curious!
On November 27th, 2023, at 4:16 am ET, we will witness a full moon in Gemini, known as the Beaver Moon. This celestial event brings a curious energy and gives us the power to manifest our life goals. It is a potent opportunity to harness the duality and adaptability of Gemini to release what no longer serves us and embrace new beginnings.
Love yourself, honey!
I am a huge fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race. The drag artists' creativity and talents are top-notch. They have to be well-rounded performers under pressure. It’s amazing.
At the show's end, RuPaul always says, “If you don't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?”
It was one of those things that I would hear but not HEAR.
Until recently.
Trauma is Trauma
I saw Kevin Smith’s video about his mental health journey, including a stay at a treatment center. He speaks from the heart about what he has learned through this process. It has many gems.
What we tell ourselves
There is a voice in our heads that talks to us constantly. It’s our program running in the background of our lives. It helps us make decisions, encourages us, protects us - it is the chatter that is constantly going. Even though that voice can seem like an incessant hum, it is at the forefront of guiding our lives, especially what we think of ourselves.