A chance to create harmonious relationships

Juno Enters Pisces

April 20, 2022 - January 13, 2023

Let’s talk about Juno. She’s the partner, committed and out of the dating scene. Juno (Hera) was married to Jupiter (Zeus) so we can imagine that relationship had its ups and downs. But Juno stood by Jupiter, even with all his shenanigans.

Now, what about the sign of Pisces? Pisces is a water sign which means it's focused on how we FEEL. For the Pisces, they want romance and to be romanced. Creative, artistic and spiritual energy is what Pisces brings to the table.

Okay, let’s talk about the two combined - Juno in Pisces wants to have harmony, happiness and creativity in relationships. And it doesn’t necessarily mean just romantic partnerships but also friendships and business connections. During this time, we want to have solid and happy relationships and Juno in Pisces is going to dissolve boundaries so we can finally get on the same page. Kindness, uniqueness and trusting your intuition will make stronger bonds.

Usually Juno moves pretty quickly between the signs but now the opportunity is here to enjoy this deep spiritual connection.  Juno is spending much more time in Pisces, including a retrograde period between July 26th through October 24th. During the retrograde period, we can go within and see who and what we want for relationships. Things may come up for us to examine - how are we approaching our partnerships?  Are there patterns? What can I discover about my role in my connections? This self discovery will benefit you greatly moving forward so take some time to examine what relationships mean to you.

Also, be careful of the shadow side of Pisces influencing Juno. As much as the Pisces energy is spiritual and creative, it also can be escapist and wears rose colored glasses too much. Is bad behavior acceptable? Are we forgiving someone too much? Step back and see if someone deserves as much of your excuses for them as you’re giving them. Juno may say to us “Enough is enough.” and ask us to take off the rose colored glasses and see this person just as they are. How does that work for us?

Juno in Pisces wants us to keep the relationships us have and make them stronger if it makes sense for us. The connections we have only work for us if we are built up and happy in them. It’s time to explore our partnerships. 


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