Are your commitments solid?

Juno in Capricorn: don’t worry, your commitments are solid.

November 14, 2021 - January 31, 2022

Juno, the asteroid (a minor planet) of marriage and love, moves into the sign of Capricorn on November 14th. Now you may be asking yourself - “Wait, isn’t Venus all about love?” or “I thought Mars told me how my desires came into reality?  And...doesn’t this tell me who I’m sexually compatible with?”

Let’s talk about that.

Yes, Venus is the planet of love, dating and beauty and Mars is the planet of our actions, desires and passions. So when you are out there dating or trying to pick a partner Venus and Mars can be guiding you. However, while Venus and Mars are powerful planets, Juno is the one that moves you forward in your commitments and contracts.

In Greek and Roman mythology, Juno (who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Hera) was the long standing and long suffering wife of Jupiter (who is the Roman Equivalent of Zeus). Jupiter was the God of the Gods, most powerful and biggest. It probably gave him a big ego because Jupiter was known to run around on Juno. And while behind closed doors, Jupiter would get an earful. However, when they appeared together, none of their problems were on display.

Juno is the wife that will stand by her man in public but when she got him alone, she made sure he knew she was upset. Therefore, Juno can also be an asteroid that has a high threshold for poor or abusive treatment. She is known as the long suffering wife for a reason! Just make sure you don’t get in a situation where you say “Oh well, they treat me poorly but I know who I’m supposed to be with.  They are (soulmate, twin flame, life love, whatever) BUT that doesn’t mean because you are connected to them so strongly that you can’t stand up for yourself or even leave. Soul mate connection is no excuse to sit with or tolerate bad behavior.

Now you’re thinking - well, why would I care about Juno’s opinion? She seems to have had a bad relationship. Well, sure, no one wants a cheater, However, Juno also shows her level of commitment. In a healthy relationship, absolutely. In your chart, depending on the sign, Juno shows you who you are looking for, who you would be committed to and your future. Juno is the final piece of the Venus-Mars-Juno puzzle. Venus helps you have fun and find the joy and finer things with dating, Mars shows chemistry and physical attraction and Juno - she shows you what kind of person will want and need to be committed to in order to have that special partnership for life. 

With Juno being in Capricorn, this is a good time for ANY partnership or contracts. Capricorn takes their work and soul passions and makes them organized, strong and a reality. Love relationships can be strong and stable. Emotions are not exactly what people are interested in focusing on right now. “How do we get it done” is the mantra. You could be signing contracts that are for work or hiring them for an event (even wedding).  Details are very important so make sure you take care of business first before you let the sparks fly. This also could be in a strong business partnership so commitment to yourself that you’ll shine anywhere you go so be careful with relationships, business or your commitments to you!  

Juno wants you to meet your love and she’ll here to help you find the next steps in your life. Be confident and strong.  You deserve to know who this person is.


An Attitude of Gratitude


Say This Not That - Affirmations