Mars enters Leo: June 11 - July 29th

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The Planet of Action is ON.THE.MOVE.

Starting June 11th, you’ll be feeling like it’s time to get things done, move forward and work quickly.  Why?  Mars, the planet of action, passion, leadership and drive is moving into the fire sign of Leo.  Mars is much more comfortable in Leo.  While it can get things done in a watery sign of Cancer (where Mars sat from April 23rd to June 10th), it looks for much more emotional security and is sentimental in its actions.  Mars in Leo now says “GO FOR IT AND GET YOUR GLORY!”

Fire signs are known to be strong, full of passion, drive, energy and bravery.  (Sure, arrogance may show up here too but let’s stay on the positive side.)  Leo believes they are royalty and loves to be the star of the show. Leo Mars encourages play, happiness and making moves so anything that has recently been moving slowly is now going to take off!

Remember, though, Mercury is still in Retrograde so are brand new things taking off? Not so much or not like you think it will. However, if you’ve been working on something for a while (a long term project or goal) shines in the limelight again.

Let’s go back to the last time Mars was in Leo last time  - July 1st - August 19th, 2019. Think back to the Summer of 2019 and what you experienced. Did relationships change? Did you have courage to speak your truth or lead? There has been a lot learned since then, about ourselves and others. Is it time to make that call, write that email or book that appointment?  It sure is!

Since Mars also rules passions and desires, this can bring relationships into focus. What do you want and do you have it? If not, it’s time to say what you truly want to your partner. (And you can always add new things too!) If you’re single, tell the Universe what your requirements are in a relationship. It’s a time to be bold and sassy!

Mars is also the aggression and war planet. This doesn’t necessarily mean conflict, however, if you feel passionate about something, you may have to be strong and push forward to get what you want done. Just make sure this is what you really want or need - double check your motivations and the facts.  

Mars also has to do with your work and career. This can be the traditional idea about what work and career is so it’s time to do the things you need to do to move you forward there. Schedule a time with a mentor (or someone you want to be mentored by), pitch that new idea (make sure you get credit) or, maybe it’s time to go toe to toe with someone.  

Or, your work/career can be what has purpose to you - this can be volunteer work, family responsibilities or even a hobby that means the world to you.  Could that volunteer work turn into a paid gig?  Time to figure out a better way to do things in your family structure or taking a class to up that hobby to the next level.

Bottom Line? 

Whatever you're doing during this time, you can make moves to shine.  This about it - Leo, as represented by Lion and Lioness, are the Heads of the Jungle and don’t bow to anyone.  This is the attitude you should have during this time.  Double check your facts or ideas (oh, Mercury in Retro) and go for it.  Courage, my dear friend, it’s the only way to make those dreams into reality.

Want to know what sign your Mars is in?  Interested in understanding how Mars in Leo now affects you specifically?  How can knowing this help you make those passions and desires real?  You can find this and more out with an Astrology Chart Reading with me! 


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