Mercury goes Direct in Libra

October 18, 2021

Connections are back on track

Oh Mercury Retrograde. As much as we like to say it doesn’t/won’t affect us, it has a sneaky way of showing up in our day to day. This retrograde was in the harmonious sign of Libra. How was your past three weeks?

We were challenged to look at how harmonious our relationships were - whether it be love or any other partnership. How were things with your landlord, for example? We were faced with ways to handle challenges in those realms. Here’s the thing - you probably worked through them better than you had before or even got some thoughts out that you hadn’t said before.

So sure, Mercury Retrograde is challenging. BUT, it also gave us an opportunity to see how we would handle these challenges, especially in the realms of harmony and balance.

If there were moments things didn’t go quite well, that’s okay. They are learning opportunities because remember, Mercury Retro makes us go inward and see how we are communicating. Are we saying what we need to say? Are we too quick to send an email when we should pause? These are the things that Mercury says “Look, what are you doing with this?”

Oh yeah, and did one of those pesky ex’s or old friends come back into the fold?

I had to perform 4 weddings this Mercury Retrograde (and conduct four rehearsals). Some things I learned was to double check details and to leave PLENTY of time getting places. For example, I left an hour and a half early to get into Boston the weekend before the Marathon. Between parking, getting changed and carrying everything I needed to the Public Gardens, I made it there in the time I wanted to. Much better to leave a lot of extra time for events like this.  ALL the kinks were worked out beforehand and not in a hectic way. 

Now that Mercury is Direct, you’ll pick up moving forward on the path to creating stronger bonds between you and other people. Also good news - this is the final Mercury Retrograde for 2021. The next one starts January 14th, 2022 - but we’ll talk about that later.

Bottom Line?

Now that Mercury Retrograde is over, reflect on how you handled the past three weeks. Did you create stronger bonds with people? Did you sort out some things in a relationship?  Did you congratulate yourself on how you handled certain situations? It’s time to see how Mercury Retro worked for you and incorporate that moving forward. Mercury Retrograde can be tough but the self examination and strong possibilities that come out of it are worth it.


Saturn goes direct in Aquarius


Lucky Logic! Hello Jupiter.