Use that strong voice!

March 27, 2022 - April 10, 2022

Mercury enters Aries

On March 27, Mercury the planet of communication drifts romantically from the sign of Pisces into the powerful passionate Aries energy.  We’re going from a Water sign (Pisces) to a Fire Sign (Aries). We are not going to be shy in expressing how we feel and why should we? Aren’t conversations one of the ways we understand each other and break through obstacles?

Holding your tongue might be hard and we have to be careful of shooting our mouth off. It’s not a time to jump to conclusions. You may be wrong and now those words can’t be taken back. You can have tough conversations but make sure to be calculated. Keep the conversation as positive as you can because strong words and expressions can get through to others this time. We can even practice what we are going to say. 

Look at what we can accomplish by saying what we need, asking for what we want, in other words - Speaking Our Truth! Aries Mercury can be strong and the words will come to you quickly. Witty and clever will be a good way for us to connect - why not make a move to chat with someone we want to get to know, even if it’s a mentor or someone we admire? Aries Mercury definitely has us at the times we need this.

The Bottom Line? 

Mercury in Aries makes us bold, deliberate and blunt. We can uncover what we really mean and what others mean. The facts may be what we need to hear but remember, it may be served in a way you don’t like. Focus on what can help, throw away the rest. If presentations have to be scheduled, feel confident! It is going to be amazing. Be clear, passionate and kind with your words - you’ll get your point across.


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