Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

June 25th to December 2, 2021

Keepin’ it Real

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Dreamy Neptune. The place where we are spiritual, enjoy arts, the creative and the etheric. Escaping into the other worlds that aren’t so rigid and logical is Neptune’s love. But escaping can also mean that the unhealthy habits come forward - sex, drugs and rock and roll. In other words, Neptune rules addiction and ways of escaping that prevent anything from really moving forward.

Starting June 25th, Neptune goes Retrograde in the sign of Pisces, which is Neptune’s most comfortable place since it rules Pisces. Remember, retrogrades make us move internally to understand ourselves better and we can have growth and development during this time.

Now, why is the retrograde so long? 

Neptune is a slower moving planet, spending approximately 14 years to move from sign to sign. Hence, why retrogrades are going to last a little longer. The good news is it gives you time to work on things and really get to the core of the work that needs to be done.

The challenge is to understand with Neptune getting sleepy it may not be so easy to escape. Reality may hit you like a ton of bricks. But here’s the thing - getting out of dreamland on things you need to work on and trust about yourself can be a good move for you overall. Just throw a cushion down on the floor for Neptune Retrograde because you may be turned on your head.

Escapism doesn’t work when you’re doing it JUST to escape. 

Sure, we all need a break from the world and sometimes drifting comfortably across the Ocean of Creativity is exciting. The Spirits, however, are going to challenge you to take off the rose colored glasses and look at your reality. Is this what you want and how you want it? Neptune Retrograde wants you to take a good hard look at things.

Now, does that mean you can’t escape at all?

Absolutely not.

But you have to use a little more discernment on what works and what doesn’t. You’ll also look at those habits - are they healthy? And not being healthy doesn’t only mean eating or drinking too much. It could be that you work a lot to avoid home or spend too much time on a hobby or video games, neglecting other things.

Neptune wants us to find the balance so you’re not checking out too often. Review what could cause you to do that and heal THAT instead of pretending the really purple elephant isn’t in the room.

Bottom Line? 

It’s important to reflect on what kind of life you have.  Are you happy in your relationship, career, health, self? 

If not, what have you done to soothe yourself in the past? 

Time to give it up and start dealing with things head on - before the Spirits push you into dealing with it. 

Are there vices or just overall “I don’t want to deal with this.” Neptune Retrograde might not cooperate in escapism so much right now. Changes have to be from you because you know yourself best.

Put a plan in place and keep rocking. Don’t hide behind dreamy Neptune in Pisces - create, don’t escape. 

If you need a little guidance on how to tackle some of these changes, or motivate to create, I’m here to help.


Haiku #117


Show Appearance on Angelscapes - June 22, 2021