Your Soul’s Astrological Journey in your Akashic Records
Exploring Who I Am
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022
Time: 10am to 5pm (One Hour Lunch)
Price: $400.00
Location: Online (Zoom link provided after registration.)
Do you ever wonder if there is a design to your life?
Was your life made on purpose or is it all luck of the draw? Yes, your Soul has a plan for you. You have a Cosmic Architect who designed you to be perfectly just who you are. It’s time to open that treasure chest of “you” and dig out what your gifts really are.
Have you ever had an astrological reading only to shelve it for later reference?
In the workshop you will experience your chart in a new way. You will explore what each aspect means to you personally. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of the design your soul has for you in this life. You will integrate this information in a dynamic actionable way. You will know what to do with your birth chart.
In the workshop you will look at your rising sign, your Sun, your Moon, and your North and South Node. (You will receive a chart and explanation) then you will be led to your Akashic Records to experience what your Soul intended for you. You will have many ways, through journaling and meditation, to integrate the information you receive.
What is your mask you wear in the world? Do you like what you see? Would you like to present yourself differently?
Your Rising Sign is how people perceive you as they see you. This sign also tells you how you process and react to situations when first presented to you (your first reaction.) You will be guided to observe yourself in real time, how you present yourself and how people react to you. Then you will look at your reaction patterns to challenges and change in your life. THEN you will review what your rising sign is. You will compare what you know about your life with what your Chart says. Once you have that information, you will be guided in an akashic journey to discover how your Soul sees you and your Soul’s intention for giving you your rising sign. You will uncover a new way to perceive yourself, clear blocks and open new pathways for yourself.
What is at the core essence of your being? Are you embracing it or fighting it?
Your Sun and the sign it’s in is your personality and core. This is how you go through your day to day. Explore your likes and dislikes. What are you grateful for, what makes you happy and what lights up your life? You will come to know your aware self with this planet. What brings the sun out in your life? You will discover the power of operating from your AWARE self and learn how to “be” your authentic self.
Do you trust what you know to be true? Even if no one else knows what you do? What lies in your unconscious self?
Your Moon embraces your emotions and your intuition. This is the planet and sign that explains your reactions and how you FEEL about life. The moon holds and expresses your feminine self. You will observe how you trust your intuition and inner voice now. Once you view your chart, you will explore what nurtures you and strengthens your inner knowing. Then you will journey to you akashic records to see what hidden gifts you are blessed with. You will uncover your unconscious self and explore soul parts that wish to express themselves
What did you come here to do?
Your North Node reveals what you have to work on in this life-time. This node is about your Soul's journey in this life. You will find the key to courage and strength to face fears and do what you are meant to do.
What are your gifts and abilities?Your South Node shows you what you brought in this life. It reveals your gifts and talents. Some gifts are from past life and Soul Contracts. How can you build your life with these tools?
Along with Studying your Astrology Chart you will also be taken on journeys to your Akashic Records for a deeper understanding of what is in your chart. You will be led through guided meditations to the House of your Soul. Not sure how to do that?
No worries. Nancy and Mary will lead you and mentor you throughout the process.