First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
What are your preferred pronouns?
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Relationship status
Name of partner
Name and ages of children
List your three favorite colors in order of preference
List your three favorite place in order of preference
On a vacation do you prefer relaxation or excitement?
Both - relaxation & excitement
Please list any fears or phobias.
Do you experience any compulsive tendencies? If so, please describe below.
Please list any health problems I should be aware of.
Are you currently being treated by a physician?
If yes, for what?
Are you currently being treated by a psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist/counselor?
If yes, for what?
List any medications you are currently taking.
List any herbs or vitamins you regularly ingest.
Please list your three most important life goals.
Please list your three favorite past-times/hobbies.
What is your current occupation?
Do you enjoy your work?
Please list things that you like to do but you want to better at:
If you could be, do, have or become anything, what would you wish for?
Why are you seeking hypnotherapy/hypnosis?
How did you hear about me?
Are you currently experiencing any of the following (please check all that apply):
inability to relax
sexual dysfunction
compulsive tendencies
nail biting
teeth grinding
poor health
cigarette smoking
alcohol abuse
drug abuse
compulsive overeating
serious eating disorder
inability to focus attention
poor memory
marital problems
recent divorce
war trauma
currently illness or death of a loved one
childhood trauma
fear of heights
lack of energy
poor self-esteem
abusive home situation
abusive work situation
lack of success
If there is something missing from the list above that I should know about, please list it below.
Do you follow any religious or meditative practices? If so, please describe.
Please list any other conditions occurring in your life that you believe are negatively affecting you in anyway.
Is there anything else I should know that we have not covered in the form above? Please use this space to do so.
RELEASE STATEMENT: I hereby authorize Mary D’Alba to hypnotize me for the purposes outlined in this intake form and for future purposes that I may request. I understand that the success of my hypnosis therapy depends greatly on my own ability to relax and desire to create change in myself. I understand that because the results of my sessions depend greatly on my own serious participation that Mary D’Alba cannot offer guarantee of the success of my treatment. I am aware, however, that Mary D’Alba will do everything reasonably in her power to ensure my success.
By checking the Yes box below, I'm agreeing to the release statement above.
Yes, I agree.
Please select today's date.
Please check the box of any item that seems like something that fits your nature.
Prefers to have someone else read instructions when putting a model together.
Reviews for a test by reading notes aloud or by talking with others.
Talks aloud when working a math problem.
Prefers listening to a cassette over reading the same material.
Commits zip code to memory by saying it.
Uses rhyming words to remember names.
Plans the upcoming week by talking it through with someone.
Prefers oral instructions from an employer.
Likes to stop at a service station for directions in a strange city.
Prefers talking/listening games.
Keeps up on news by listening to the radio.
Able to concentrate deeply on what another person is saying.
Uses free time for talking with others.
Sings or plays a musical instrument well.
Please check the box of any item that seems like something that fits your nature.
Likes to keep written records.
Typically reads billboards while driving or riding.
Puts model together correctly using written directions.
Follows written recipes easily when cooking.
Reviews for a test by writing a summary.
Writes on napkins in a restaurant.
Can put a bicycle together from a mail-order house.
Commits a zip code to memory by writing it.
Uses visual images to remember names.
Loves to read books.
Plans the upcoming week by making a list.
Prefers written directions from an employer.
Prefers to get a map and find own way in a strange city.
Prefers reading/writing games like SCRABBLE.
Please check the box of any item that seems like something that fits your nature.
Likes to build things.
Uses sense of touch to put a model together.
Can distinguish items by touch when blindfolded.
Learns touch system rapidly in typing.
Moves with music.
Doodles and draws on any available paper.
An out-of-doors person.
Moves easily; well coordinated.
Spends a large amount of time on crafts and handwork.
Likes to feel texture of drapes and furniture.
Prefers movement games to games where one just sits (if age appropriate).
Finds it fairly easy to keep physically fit.
One of the fastest in a group to learn a new physical skill.
Uses free time for physical activities.