
You might have heard people talk about making a wish when they see 11:11. 

It’s a powerful cosmic number and time so let’s chat about it!

11:11 is the opening to connecting with your guides and angels. When you see these four  numbers over and over, it’s like a tap on the shoulder from the Divine. (“Hey, we want to chat with you!”) Okay, so why do we want to do that? It brings intuition and spiritual awakening to the forefront of your life.

If we think about all of our bodies - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual - this is tapping into the Spiritual Body.  Having connections with our guides and angels provides information and insight to not only our higher purpose but our day to day.  Using the vibration of those numbers (either using them on the date or using the time 11:11) can bring you into closer contact with them. The Spiritual Side of you helps to see the bigger picture and understand situations in your life so developing this side can positively impact all aspects of your day to day.

Tapping into the energy is easy.

Grab a white candle and a notebook and write a question or a thought you want clarified at the top of the page.  

Then get quiet (I know, not so easy) and LISTEN.

You may get words, sentences, pictures, ideas. 

Let it just flow.

Don’t edit it or try to figure it out yet. 

Just capture the information. 

You may be surprised at what the Spirits have to say or - if you’re like me - sometimes it’s exactly what you know or need to hear. 

Sit with the message and then go on with your day. 

See what unfolds.

Consistent connections around the 11:11 time is like your own person appointment with the Spirits. Letting them know you’re interested in hearing them will create a relationship with them that can help you across all life circumstances. Give it a try and feel free to let me know how it goes!


New Moon in Scorpio


Haiki #104