New Moon in Scorpio

On November 15th at 12:07am ET, we will experience a New Moon in Scorpio. 

Let’s break down what this means.

The New Moon is when the Moon has gone through a full cycle (New, Waxing, Full, Waning and Dark) to be reborn as brand new again.  The Moon rules our emotions, intuition, our personal needs and the feminine.  When the Moon in New, craving new beginnings in life, wanting to examine what is motivating us and feeling renewed is common.

Adding in the fact it is in the sign of Scorpio, examine what has been buried deep down you want to change.  Scorpio is known to be transformational.   It’s a good time for reflection on emotions you may have been ignoring or even hiding so you too can become new.  Take some time with journaling or guided meditation to uncover desires you want to follow through on for the rest of the year.   It also may reveal a bit of envy for what you don’t have but focus on what you do have instead and make plans to get there!  The Scorpio energy thrives on actions like that - Scorpio is determined and sometimes even unmovable with what it wants.

There is also a New Moon sextile to Jupiter.  A sextile is a great aspect between two planets in astrology.  It opens pathways to growth!  Jupiter is a planet of growth and expansion so you’ll be feeling the energy to get started on the things you reveal you want.  However, it may be slow going because Saturn, the planet of stability and foundations, is at the party too, conjunct Jupiter, which means the planets are influencing or mixing their energy together.  Jupiter is basically the kid running off, Saturn has the kid by the hood, holding him back and walking with him.  There CAN be growth, it’s just slow and steady. 

Look at it this way, with Saturn providing some guidance and stability, Jupiter insisting on moving forward and the New Moon in Scorpio digging deep for the truth and resources, what you want to create now can happen with determination and looking around for different ways to do things with what you have and what you can find.  It may not be your typical path but a path will be there. 

This is a good time to plan a new beginning, take up a new hobby, learn something new (especially in the occult or mediumistic realm) or release something that holds you back.  Scorpio is passionate and determined so ride that emotional energy out to something life changing!

A great way to let the universe know what you want is to write out your wishes and desires for the next month and read them out loud to make it real during the New Moon.  Once you do so, you can keep the list and review during the month or you can burn it to send up your wishes. 

Once you make your request, take action towards what you want. 

You may be surprised what doors the Universe opens up to you!


Haiku #105

