A reminder of who you are

Chiron goes Direct in Aries

December 19, 2021 - July 19, 2022

Chiron is a minor planet (also known as an Asteroid) but in no way is Chiron’s influence minor in our lives. Chiron is known as the  “Wounded Healer” for Chiron could not heal himself after being struck by Hercules’s poison arrow. Hercules asked Zeus to grant Chiron death (because he was immortal) so he could be released from his suffering.

Where Chiron sits is where we feel our deepest wounds, the place we feel the softest and most sensitive. You may have noticed since July 15th we have been reflecting on our own hurts and places to heal  (and it’s explained in my blog here). New habits may have been formed to take care of ourselves or we may have needed more time to ourselves to rejuvenate and see the path to healing.

With Chiron going Direct, it means it’s back to full speed and healing can continue. You may have decided to start a new practice over the past few months, now you’ll be kicking it up to a new level. You may be meditating 5 minutes a day, go up to 10 or 15. You’ve started a spiritual practice, it’s probably time to go deeper with that practice and find other resources to expand your healing.

With Chiron being in Aries, the focus is how things are affecting your perception of yourself. It’s time to become the leader of your life if that’s not where you are. Stop waiting on other people to give answers or to make things happen for you. You have choices to make. If others are dragging their feet you have to step forward into your power. No waiting for anyone anymore for what you want and need.

Bottom Line? 

The next several months will give you an opportunity to take your healing to a new depth. We all have things to heal so remember others may be  processing their own things too. But your heart healing has to come first. Part of our mission on the earth is to elevate ourselves so more people can heal. Healing the self isn’t selfish - it makes you better to help heal others. Your power comes from your own healing because then you turn into a powerful healing. It’s a good time to do what you need to do to make those wounds go away once and for all.


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