Trust that intuition

Jupiter moves into the sign of Pisces

December 28. 2021 - May 10, 2022

It’s like Jupiter knows we need a party - right before the new year, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and excess moves into the sign of Pisces. Pisces helps us to escape and connect with the spiritual and ethereal. 

On the positive side, Jupiter wants us to explore our dreams, art, music, poetry and the Spiritual. This is a time for breakthrough to a new path on what we believe, what our connection to the Spirit world is and also diving into the pool of intuition. Psychic abilities are more prevalent. If you take anything from this blog, TRUST YOURSELF AND YOUR GUT. 

We will also be more compassionate and open our hearts to the good in the world. Kindness reigns and Jupiter wants you to extend it to as many people as you can. After the past couple of years, kindness and compassion will bring people closer, which is so much of what we need.

If you’re working on creative endeavors, this will take center stage. Take time to do your art because you have the pride of making something come to life and you’ll discover more about yourself. Dig in for your art talents and your soul passions will continue to come to life.

Creating comes from expression and Pisces does nothing but encourage you in those expressions. One thing to be careful of is overindulging in the creative because it can cause unhealthy escapism. Drifting into the clouds can be beautiful but when you refuse to come down, that can be destructive. Life doesn’t exist only in the clouds, you have to have your feet on the ground too to be truly successful.

Bottom Line?

Jupiter in Pisces wants to make discoveries in the creative and spiritual realm. Meditation, journaling and creating art can bring so much more to your life, even in the “non-creative” places. Be careful not to over indulge, even if it’s good, too much can be bad.


A reminder of who you are


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