Learning Every Day


The Little Saint said to me recently - “You should have been a professional student.” as my nose was stuck in my tablet, reading the most recent book I downloaded on Santa Muerte.  

“If only,” I said.

I found out about Santa Muerte in 2013.  She is known as “Saint Death”, the Saint of Miracles and of Last Resorts.  She came to me in a dream and hasn’t left since.  At first, I thought, well, this will be another deity that I can share with my clients who need help and also gain understanding about a powerful spiritual force in the world.

And as I researched her, the information was almost overwhelming.  Books, websites, groups on FB, tik tok, you name it, it’s out there.  I gratefully became friends with someone who ran one of her Chapels in the US and he was kind enough to have conversations with me about her.

As I’ve learned things, my connection with her has grown deeper.  For a long time, I thought learning was formal - I take a class, I read the text, I’m quizzed, I’m tested and off I go.  And sure, that’s one way to learn.  And a good one at that.

But sometimes learning comes over a cup of tea with a friend of like minds, sometimes it’s a story on TV I happen to catch, it could be an experience, a billboard, a person wearing a piece of jewelry.  There are always opportunities to learn because our big beautiful brains can not only hold so much but we are just one individual.  When we connect experiences and weave other ideas into the files in our head, we make a stronger connection to what we’re about.  We understand ourselves in a deeper way - what has meaning to us, what is our path and destiny.  

When we see life as a learning opportunity, the Universe sends those things we need to learn in front of us in unique ways.  For example, I had a long conversation last night with a woman in TX who had a Santa Muerte statue I had been looking for.  We chatted for over an hour and I was happy to walk away seeing things differently and learning something new.  

Life truly is a learning opportunity.  When we’re ready for the lessons, the Universe brings them to us.  Don’t be surprised if the Universe is creative in their teachers - how would it be interesting if they weren’t?

What ways do you learn? 

How do you grow? 

Sometimes the answers and the learnings are right in front of you. 

Off to school!

Feeling inspired to broaden your education? Check out my 5-week Tarot Course, as well as other classes/offerings under the events section here!


Haiku #112


Self Care Spring