Smooth (voice) Operator

Mercury in Capricorn

December 13th, 2021 - January 2, 2022

Ah, Mercury - we know this planet because of Mercury Retrograde (ugh) but Mercury when he’s at full power is the master communicator. In the sign of Capricorn, words have influence and this is the time to get your thoughts out.

Remember, Capricorn energy is practical and focuses on business more than the emotional. With Mercury settling into the strong earthy energy you will communicate in ways that will be clear, precise and influential. Your words have weight so speak up! 

Also important to a Mercury in Capricorn is to have the facts first. Be ready to communicate in ways that can be detailed and proven. Your message will be so much better received. There will be opportunities to say what you need to say - take them! They might not come back around.

If you have important things to say, you may want to practice or make notes so you hit all the points that you want to. Or re-read those emails before sending them to see if it’s thorough. What do you want to say? It could be good to ask yourself that question before you make that important connection.

You may be traveling at this time and, while it is always smart to double check details, this trip may need some extra research for where you’re going. Make sure to have all your travel details at your fingertips. 

Bottom Line?

Mercury’s voice has to be strong - it’s sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Being confident in you and what you have to say. This will get you far. So say it, say it, say it. You can change your life with your voice. As a friend of mine says, “Your word is your wand.” Make your magic happen.


Sparks Fly!


An Attitude of Gratitude