Sparks Fly!

Mars in Sagittarius

December 5, 2021 - January 16, 2022

What a great time of year for Mars to move into the fiery sign of Sagittarius. That strong Mars action taker wants to run off and have fun!

While Mars was in Scorpio (October 22 - December 5), we felt an intensity with what we needed to do. The transformational nature of Halloween, Samhain, All Saints and Souls Days celebrates our ancestors and the Spirits as well as making change or has us experiencing “little deaths.” We don’t feel the same going into those times as we come out. But we always make it through learning and love more about ourselves and the ones who blazed the trail before us.

Now as we shed our skin to experience the light coming back (Winter Solstice), Mars is supporting us in feeling lighter, happier and taking the steps for expansion. It’s time to see and connect with old friends, family and co-workers. Kindness to strangers is an incredible feeling and you’ll be helping those who need a hand. You’ll feel the desire for change and wanting to “DO SOMETHING” to make the world a better place.

What else does Mars in Sagittarius do?

It makes us randy. Sparks can fly and you may feel a bit adventurous in the love and sex department. Mars is passionate and we’ll want to experience it with someone. It can take your passions to the next level and, yes, bliss.

How does one ride this energy?

Mars is making us MOVE and Sagittarius wants us to jump up on the spiritual surfboard. You may not know which direction you are going and it could be scary but you can be confident it will be memorable.

Bold is the keyword here - just be careful not to go overboard or speak before you think. Sags can be blunt and overindulge so there may be a little foot in mouth but with it being a magical time of year, you’ll be forgiven quicker than usual.

Bottom Line?

People will see you blazing by them with all you want to do and achieve. Time to go for it and make things happen. Why not open the door to something new? You’ll have a lot of fun getting there - Mars in Sag won’t let you down.


What’s going on with the Love Lady?


Smooth (voice) Operator