Blog: Musings of Mary
Articles, Storytelling, and Poetry.
Be the Balanced Leader
Since July 29th, Mars was in the sign of Virgo. The action planet was working hard with creating routines and habits to move your health and work goals forward. Starting September 14th, we see Mars moving over to spend time with the lovely Libra. Mars wants action and is in touch with their passions. Libra wants balance and harmony. Libra is an air sign so its strengths are communication, discussion and negotiation.
Negotiation at it’s finest (and a Retrograde to boot!): Mercury enters Libra
Mercury moves into Libra on Tuesday, August 31st. Mercury is the planet of communication, commerce, travel and mechanics. When you add the air sign of Libra, it gives us the chance to express ourselves in a way to bring people together. Is there someone you need to convince you have a good idea? This is the time.
Harmony and balanced indulgence: Venus in Libra is just delightful.
Venus is at home in Libra. It’s the place she knows the best and is the strongest. It’s like she’s come home from a long trip around the astrological wheel and sat on her favorite couch and kicked off her expensive heels. It’s the place she knows and loves the best.