Love Transformation!

Venus enters Scorpio

September 10, 2021 - October 7, 2021

Let’s talk about relationships. Why? 

Venus the planet of love, beauty and self-worth is taking some time with the mysterious and intense Scorpio. There may be some wild-side walking over the next few weeks because Scorpio wants to get to the depths and isn’t afraid to go to those places or secrets we want to hide.  

We know our girl Venus likes to travel between the signs pretty quickly, spending a few weeks with each (unless she is Retrograde, which won’t be until December 18th, 2021). She likes to be social and with the influence of Scorpio, Venus is sensual and passionate in her connections during this transit.

Relationships most certainly will be highlighted here.

Is it time to tell your partner how you really feel?

Could it be you’ve been holding something inside and it’s time to come out? Secrets are Scorpio’s comfort zone. They’re good at keeping them and good at getting someone to spill them. When Scorpio lays it all on the table, you’ll know where you stand. Deep conversations, revelations and strong bonds are what is the outcome of Venus in Scorpio. If you’re not closely bonded to someone, you’ll find out why before October 7th.

Be aware - Scorpio is going to show us what we are afraid of and encourage us to face it. If there is any jealousy, manipulation or obsession in relationships, it will rear its ugly head and need to be handled. I know this sounds concerning but it’s not designed to scare you, it’s designed to help you deal with it. There is no more avoidance. But remember, Scorpio wants to help it change. If it’s not for the better, then maybe this relationship needs to be looked at for the long haul. If it is for the better, the connections will be incredibly strong.Your intuition will also be sharper during this transit so don’t brush off the nagging feelings you’re getting.

Venus in Scorpio can also put some focus on ourselves. Are we feeling more sassy, sexy and stronger than usual? If you notice you’re bolder and gaining confidence, thank Venus is Scorpio. Think about Venus riding off on the motorcycle with the bad boy Scorpio - she’s experiencing freedom and wants to dive into unfamiliar waters. You can too! Just make sure to come up for air every once in a while, too much of a good thing can cause you to almost drown in Scorpio’s intense waters. (Scorpio is a water sign - emotional and intuitive).

While you have the power of Scorpio behind you, don’t be afraid to go for it in relationships. It can bring you to the next level. If it shows you where the cracks are, you can decide if  it’s the place for you to stay or not. Why not walk on the wild-side for a little while? You might discover how much you bring to the table and how amazing relationships can be.

Bottom Line? 

Explore the depths of relationships and see what needs to be uncovered. While it might be challenging, you’ll also find going into the darkness brings light where it needs to be. Ride that sexy, confident wave over the next few weeks!


Your Sacred Calling Wants Your Attention


Haiku #72