Your Sacred Calling Wants Your Attention

Vesta in Scorpio

September 20 - November 17, 2021

As an astrologer, I like to look at asteroids, also known as minor planets, as an enhancement to your basic natal chart. I describe asteroids as the spices that are added to the homemade spaghetti sauce (your natal chart). Their purpose is to provide more information about who you are.

Vesta is the asteroid (minor planet) of your inner fire, focus, spiritual devotion and sexual healing. She was the sister of Jupiter (Zeus in the Greek Pantheon) and was in charge of keeping the sacred fire going in the temples so when people came back from battle they could light their own personal home fires. For you, Vesta can tell you what you consider sacred in your life and what ignites and keeps the inner fire going. It can be spiritual but it could be anything where you want to be in service to others. Vesta shows you a life purpose and how to keep it important in your life.

Being in Scorpio, this is going to make that exploration intense. Scorpio wants to dig deep and accepts nothing less than some kind of transformation. Spiritual practices may become stronger and more dedicated. It is going to involve some sacrifice on your part but the rewards will be great. It’s a chance to get settled into your true self and to bring that out to the world. Vesta wants you to acknowledge your deepest desires and fire. 

Now, with Vesta in Scorpio, anything that is preventing you from fulfilling your purpose, say, something lurking in your darkness, won’t get to stay there. Don’t be afraid of the “darkness”, we all have this. There isn’t anything wrong with our own personal darkness -  we  just need to shine a light and focus there to see what is blocking us. Scorpio is the perfect energy and sign to do this in because while you may have fears of looking into what we’d like to hide, Scorpio pushes you with determination and strength to transform those fears.

Bottom Line? 

Be excited about the revelations to come. This will put you on the path to a more fulfilling life. Whatever is in your heart can become even more prevalent in your life. Discover and listen to what your true purpose is. If you do the work, it will be life changing.


Haiku #3


Love Transformation!