Venus in Leo

June 27th to July 21st

Love be a Leo tonight


Our girl Venus is about to get bold and bright. She moves into the sign of Leo starting on June 27th. This is a quick transit but one you should take advantage of these next few weeks. Get those feelings out!

Venus moves out of Cancer, which is the watery, emotional sign. You may have wanted to spend time at home and curl up with the things in your place that made you comfortable and offered security. Some people wanted to beautify their house so it made them cozy. Fine sheets and comforters were appealing, new art hung on the walls, rearranging rooms to be able to lounge better and divine recipes were attempted. Comfort was key.

But now with Venus is Leo, Venus is ready to stay out late. Leo Venus not only wants to be the star of the show but wants to have people recognize them for the royalty they are. Her goal this month is to have those she is in relationships with acknowledge her greatness. If they don’t, she will be sorely disappointed.

You don’t have to be a Leo to want to have fun and be bold - this will affect all signs to different levels but at the end of the day, we all will hear Leo Venus whisper in our ear “Don’t be shy.  Go for it!” Our own chart would show us how we’d respond to that call based on our own Venus and what planets are in Leo.

Leo Venus could go overboard on wanting to show off the finer things they have so be careful on what you spend your money on and how much. This would be a time you’d buy an expensive item because you felt like you deserve it. And of course you do!  But if you’re trying not to break the bank, this influence could cause the withdrawal of a lifetime. At least you’ll feel fabulous about what you have, not necessarily how much it costs.

Bottom Line?

Remember, Venus is the Goddess of Love and Beauty and with her fired up, you have a chance to really let everyone see how you shine. Don’t be afraid to take chances on partnerships, love or otherwise. It may also be a time you’re reaching for the stars and feeling like you should be embraced for all you have to do and everything you have to offer. Just don’t get carried away with overindulgence just to make a point. Enjoy Venus in Leo and all the fun she brings into your life. It’s time to show off how great you are.  

If you need a little guidance on how to vibe with the Love Goddess this month? I’m here to help.


Haiku #118


Haiku #117