Blog: Musings of Mary
Articles, Storytelling, and Poetry.
Smooth (voice) Operator
Be ready to communicate in ways that can be detailed and proven. Your message will be so much better received. There will be opportunities to say what you need to say - take them! They might not come back around.
An Attitude of Gratitude
“You’ve got to have an attitude of gratitude” they say.
And when I’m having an especially bad day, I wonder what is the purpose of being grateful? I’m angry or grumpy or I’m feeling all the feels. WHY WON’T THEY LET ME FEEL ALL THE FEELS? (Okay, no one is stopping me but I am just feeling dramatic at that moment.)
Are your commitments solid?
Juno, the asteroid (a minor planet) of marriage and love, moves into the sign of Capricorn on November 14th. Now you may be asking yourself - “Wait, isn’t Venus all about love?” or “I thought Mars told me how my desires came into reality? And...doesn’t this tell me who I’m sexually compatible with?”
Let’s talk about that.
Say This Not That - Affirmations
I was on Zoom with a friend of mine and I was talking about my October schedule. For Psychic Mediums, this can be a busy time.
I said to her “I’ll run myself ragged for October…” then I paused. October hasn’t even happened yet and I’m already projecting it’s going to wear me out. Then I said, “Wait, no, I’ll have a full schedule I’ll handle beautifully in October…” and she smiled.
Saturn goes direct in Aquarius
Since May 23, 2021, Saturn has been moving backwards or was in Retrograde. Retrograde planets make us look internally at what is happening and slows us down to work through it.
Mercury goes Direct in Libra
Oh Mercury Retrograde. As much as we like to say it doesn’t/won’t affect us, it has a sneaky way of showing up in our day to day. This retrograde was in the harmonious sign of Libra. How was your past three weeks?
Lucky Logic! Hello Jupiter.
Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, growth and excess, finally starts moving direct on October 17th, 2021. The biggest planet is waking up and getting back to full power. Don’t you think Jupiter will be ready to go when he comes out of his slumber? Count on it. Jupiter is ready to move and this benefits you in the best of ways.
Adventures and fun in love!
Things are lightening up, though, because Venus the planet of love and beauty is fun loving and free in Sagittarius. What will you notice this time? Venus wants to be free and have adventures.
Retrogrades Require Inward Reflection: Ceres Goes Retrograde in Gemini & Taurus
In these blogs, I like to tell you about how the energy will be affecting your mood and actions. Astrology allows us to navigate those energies as best for us and those we love. I like to highlight asteroids, also known as mini-planets, so you can know more details about you and your astrological chart. So let’s discuss Ceres, the asteroid (or mini-planet) of mothering, nurturing and how we care for others. She also rules the harvest and growth.
My Art! Gallery! Artwalk! AHHHH!!!
I decided to put some of my artwork back out there. And now, there are two places where I have my art! The first is at the 2021 Mary Schein Fall Salon at the Cambridge Art Association. The second is having three works in the 3rd Annual Integral Arts Everett Artwalk 2021.
Your Sacred Calling Wants Your Attention
Be excited about the revelations to come. This will put you on the path to a more fulfilling life. Whatever is in your heart can become even more prevalent in your life. Discover and listen to what your true purpose is. If you do the work, it will be life changing.
Love Transformation!
Love Transformation! Let’s talk about relationships. Why? Venus the planet of love, beauty and self-worth is taking some time with the mysterious and intense Scorpio. There may be some wild-side walking over the next few weeks because Scorpio wants to get to the depths and isn’t afraid to go to those places or secrets we want to hide.
Be the Balanced Leader
Since July 29th, Mars was in the sign of Virgo. The action planet was working hard with creating routines and habits to move your health and work goals forward. Starting September 14th, we see Mars moving over to spend time with the lovely Libra. Mars wants action and is in touch with their passions. Libra wants balance and harmony. Libra is an air sign so its strengths are communication, discussion and negotiation.