Blog: Musings of Mary

Articles, Storytelling, and Poetry.

Self Care Mary D'Alba Self Care Mary D'Alba

Do Things Poorly: Perfect?

I often think about starting something new. I have a goal, but I need to learn or do new things to achieve that goal. The same fears initially come up just like everyone else - “What if I am not good at this? What if I can’t do what I need to do to get to the end goal?” The perfectionist in me hesitates to start because, well, what if it’s just wrong? “FAILURE,” I think to myself.

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Self Care Mary D'Alba Self Care Mary D'Alba

That Pesky Number

I read an article recently explaining how some experts explained what “middle age” actually is. The age? 35. Well, I’ve sped right by that. Now, what do I do? What do I do with whatever time I have left? I went down the rabbit hole for a while of “whoa, time is flying, and I DON’T HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT!” I was a bit of a mind-blower, I won’t lie.

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Mary D'Alba Mary D'Alba

Breathe, Pray, Journal, Meditate

I had one of those days where I was just at the end of my wits. It was one of those times that I had so much to do I didn’t know if I was coming or going.

So after my third phone call to get something resolved and having three different answers, I asked the Spirits, “What is going to make this better?”

And I heard - “Breathe, Pray, Journal and Meditate”. Heard it really clearly, actually.

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Astrology Mary D'Alba Astrology Mary D'Alba

Astrology for February 2023

Happy Birthday, Pisces People! We’re coming into your month to focus on what makes us FEEL - is it art, music, poetry, spiritual connections. Let’s talk about how February plays out for you in Pisces style.

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Mary D'Alba Mary D'Alba

3 Ways Journaling Can Help You

“But as we get older, sometimes we get away from journaling or writing down thoughts. We’re busy with writing many other things - emails, reports, and papers - that we don’t settle and take some time for our thoughts. Lists don’t even quite cut it - to do lists aren’t getting to the bottom of how those thoughts necessarily make you FEEL.”

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Blooming Mary D'Alba Blooming Mary D'Alba

A Foolproof Formula for Finding Your Flow State

According to the old saying, time flies when you’re having fun. The same thing happens when you’re in a state of flow. That’s the term coined by the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow describes an experience where you lose yourself in what you’re doing. You feel totally immersed and engaged. The time passes super quickly!

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Self Care Mary D'Alba Self Care Mary D'Alba

11 Benefits of Optimism

It’s been challenging to stay optimistic with all that is happening in the world. Everyone falls somewhere on the sliding scale between pessimism and optimism, depending on the situation. What if we went up the scale towards optimism? There are advantages to each, but on the average, what if getting as close to optimism as we can is a far better option? Optimism has so many benefits and can enhance your life in numerous ways.

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Astrology Mary D'Alba Astrology Mary D'Alba

Use that strong voice!

On March 27, Mercury the planet of communication drifts romantically from the sign of Pisces into the powerful passionate Aries energy. We’re going from a Water sign (Pisces) to a Fire Sign (Aries). We are not going to be shy in expressing how we feel and why should we? Aren’t conversations one of the ways we understand each other and break through obstacles?

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Astrology Mary D'Alba Astrology Mary D'Alba

Trust that intuition

It’s like Jupiter knows we need a party - right before the new year, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and excess moves into the sign of Pisces. Pisces helps us to escape and connect with the spiritual and ethereal.

Jupiter wants us to explore our dreams, art, music, poetry and the Spiritual. If you take anything from this blog, TRUST YOURSELF AND YOUR GUT.

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Astrology Mary D'Alba Astrology Mary D'Alba

Sparks Fly!

What a great time of year for Mars to move into the fiery sign of Sagittarius. That strong Mars action taker wants to run off and have fun!

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