Blog: Musings of Mary
Articles, Storytelling, and Poetry.
Where oh where has my creativity gone?
I have had moments where I sit down to write a blog and my brain says “I’ve got nothin’.” The muses had gone on vacation and I couldn’t access my inspiration. It was frustrating.
Astrology for February 2023
Happy Birthday, Pisces People! We’re coming into your month to focus on what makes us FEEL - is it art, music, poetry, spiritual connections. Let’s talk about how February plays out for you in Pisces style.
Mercury in Virgo: It’s all about the deets
The details are the key to navigate Mercury in Virgo and an upcoming Mercury in Retrograde. Check it out!
3 Ways Journaling Can Help You
“But as we get older, sometimes we get away from journaling or writing down thoughts. We’re busy with writing many other things - emails, reports, and papers - that we don’t settle and take some time for our thoughts. Lists don’t even quite cut it - to do lists aren’t getting to the bottom of how those thoughts necessarily make you FEEL.”
A chance to create harmonious relationships
Let’s talk about Juno. She’s the partner, committed and out of the dating scene. Juno (Hera) was married to Jupiter (Zeus) so we can imagine that relationship had its ups and downs. But Juno stood by Jupiter, even with all his shenanigans.
A Foolproof Formula for Finding Your Flow State
According to the old saying, time flies when you’re having fun. The same thing happens when you’re in a state of flow. That’s the term coined by the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow describes an experience where you lose yourself in what you’re doing. You feel totally immersed and engaged. The time passes super quickly!
11 Benefits of Optimism
It’s been challenging to stay optimistic with all that is happening in the world. Everyone falls somewhere on the sliding scale between pessimism and optimism, depending on the situation. What if we went up the scale towards optimism? There are advantages to each, but on the average, what if getting as close to optimism as we can is a far better option? Optimism has so many benefits and can enhance your life in numerous ways.
Use that strong voice!
On March 27, Mercury the planet of communication drifts romantically from the sign of Pisces into the powerful passionate Aries energy. We’re going from a Water sign (Pisces) to a Fire Sign (Aries). We are not going to be shy in expressing how we feel and why should we? Aren’t conversations one of the ways we understand each other and break through obstacles?
9 Advantages of Assertiveness
9 benefits of becoming more assertive - leave the passive aggressive behind.
A reminder of who you are
With Chiron being in Aries, the focus is how things are affecting your perception of yourself. It’s time to become the leader of your life if that’s not where you are.
Trust that intuition
It’s like Jupiter knows we need a party - right before the new year, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and excess moves into the sign of Pisces. Pisces helps us to escape and connect with the spiritual and ethereal.
Jupiter wants us to explore our dreams, art, music, poetry and the Spiritual. If you take anything from this blog, TRUST YOURSELF AND YOUR GUT.
What’s going on with the Love Lady?
Venus Retrograde is asking us to go in and see what our values are. What do we want from relationships? How do we feel about ourselves?
Sparks Fly!
What a great time of year for Mars to move into the fiery sign of Sagittarius. That strong Mars action taker wants to run off and have fun!
Smooth (voice) Operator
Be ready to communicate in ways that can be detailed and proven. Your message will be so much better received. There will be opportunities to say what you need to say - take them! They might not come back around.
An Attitude of Gratitude
“You’ve got to have an attitude of gratitude” they say.
And when I’m having an especially bad day, I wonder what is the purpose of being grateful? I’m angry or grumpy or I’m feeling all the feels. WHY WON’T THEY LET ME FEEL ALL THE FEELS? (Okay, no one is stopping me but I am just feeling dramatic at that moment.)
Are your commitments solid?
Juno, the asteroid (a minor planet) of marriage and love, moves into the sign of Capricorn on November 14th. Now you may be asking yourself - “Wait, isn’t Venus all about love?” or “I thought Mars told me how my desires came into reality? And...doesn’t this tell me who I’m sexually compatible with?”
Let’s talk about that.